How to make paper bag at home

Paper Bag:

Material require for paper bag:

Card paper/hard card
Colored chart paper
Thick thread

Procedure of Paper Bag Making:

1. Take card paper and cut into rectangular shape and then fold it.
2. Fold it again.
3. Draw a slanting/diagonal line on card.
4. Cut through slanting line.
5. After cutting shape the paper.
6. On the boarder side fold the paper app 1 inch.
7. First unfold the paper and turn it over then make zig zag fold.
8. Cut extra piece and after that level the side.
9. Stick the chart paper on the opposite side of colored chart paper.
10. Fold the upper side of colored chart paper inside.
11. Cut with the shape of colored chart paper after leaving ½ inch.
12. Apply glue on both side of paper the 1/2 inch piece inside the chart paper.
13. Stick open side together.
14. Punch two holes on the upper side.
15. Insert thick thread through the hole and tie it.
16. Paper bag is prepared.

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